목표 분명! (무슨 의미였더라? 아무튼: 레드햇, 델타구름 프로젝트 소개)
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소용환의 생각저장소 / 아카이브
클라우드 컴퓨팅이라는 것이 본질적으로 오픈소스 세계와 일맥 상통하는 바가 있다. 어거지인가? 모든 IT 벤더들이 자신들과 관계가 있다고 할테지만,... 어쨌든 클라우트 컴퓨팅이라는 개념의 바닥에 깔린 근본적 취지는 오픈소스 세계의 것과 잘 어울린다. 다음 글 들은 ...그래서 "오픈소스+클라우드" 공식과 연관이 있다. (물론, 그 뒤에 레드햇이라는 "벤더"가 자리하고 있지만, 그건 오픈소스의 생태니까.)
Dynamically Applied Integrated Systems: Open Source Cloud Interoperability
Red Hat News | Introducing DeltacloudThe momentum in technology often picks up when developers converge to create Open Source solutions that can be used to solve interoperability issues. Arguably this is not required to be Open Source but I am of the mind that something magical happens when Open Source is the catalyst (e.g. "The Internet" Boom after the proprietary PC market had to contend with Linux...). When Open Source has the backing of an organization that is built around prospering with it the "stars begin to align".
Deltacloud | Many Clouds. One API. No Problem.The initiation of a new open source project within Red Hat is certainly not news. It’s an established expectation within our engineering ranks. It’s how we advance and develop software.
Every once in a while, though, a new project breaks through the norm of business as usual. Something special. Creating a buzz.
Today that project is http://deltacloud.org.
The goal is simple. To enable an ecosystem of developers, tools, scripts, and applications which can interoperate across the public and private clouds.
Start an instance on an internal cloud, then with the same code start another on EC2 or Rackspace. Deltacloud protects your apps from cloud API changes and incompatibilities, so you can concentrate on managing cloud instances the way you want

'구름과 나' 카테고리의 다른 글
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